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Business Meeting

Know Us Better So You 
Can Trust Us

DEC, 2009

Foundation of the Company

nicheBees was founded in 2009, in a 2 bedroom apartment. Founders with proven experience of working with Enterprise Applications

Early Stage

Establishes itself as niche Services provider for Infor ERPLN & Supply Chain Solutions in ASEAN. Only Partner with Infor SCM Planner and Scheduler Expertise

DEC, 2010

Early Growth

Successful Implementations in the Middle East. Expansion of Operations in Singapore and new clients in ASEAN

DEC, 2012


nicheBees expand portfolios of services by becoming AWS Consulting Partners. Expansion in Technology Services,Cloud Computing Services, SharePoint Consulting. Delivered Successful Business outcome to more 50 customers across ASEAN, ME and Europe

DEC, 2015


Successful Implementations in the Middle East. Expansion of Operations in Singapore and new clients in ASEAN

DEC, 2018


nicheBees proudly celebrates the 10th anniversary. Our Values of Employee First and Customer-Centric Solution attitude helps us to be what we are today

DEC, 2019


Four friends, working with Infor with a collective experience of 50 years in developing, designing, Consulting, and managing Infor ERPLN, Infor Product Suite, identified the increasing gap between principal and clients. They decided to bridge this gap by providing quality consulting to all Customers focusing on delivering Business Results. 

With this idea, nicheBees was founded in 2009, in a 2 bedroom apartment and since then established itself as niche Consulting Services Provider in the world of Infor ERP. The experience of being with Infor from the days of Baan gave them in-depth knowledge of not just how the product was built but also how it can be used by the customers.



Lakshmi Narasimha Moorthy


Firmly believe in the words of L.Wittgenstein "the limits of my language are the limits of my world."
Looking back at my professional life, for more than 20 years I believe the success is mainly due to the positive belief systems and believing that I can do. 

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